- front
- breakfasttable
- breakfast
- buffet breakfast
- breakfastroom
- breakfastroom
- breakfastroom
- family guestroom
- triple guestroom
- triple guestroom
- single guestroom
- double or twin guestroom
- single guestroom
- bathroom utilities
- breakfastroom impression
- double or twin guestroom
- double or twin guestroom
- single guestroom
- family guestroom
- bathroom
- bathroom
- bathroom
- bathroom
- family room
- double or twin
- doub le or twin
- triple room
- single room
- family room
- family room
- family room
- family room
- front
- breakfastroom
- check in
- reception
- check in
- lounge
- lounge
- bathroom
- single guestroom
- single guestroom
- family room
- part of family room
- family room with communicating door
- family room
- single room
- family room
- family room with communicating door
- part of family room
- triple guestroom
- bathroom
- bathroom
- double room
- bathroom
- twin or double
- triple room
- double room
- double room
- double room
- triple guestroom
- triple guestroom
- bathroom
- single room
- single room
- lounge
- patio